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Each puppy Pyrenean Mastiff and Jack Russell Terrier that we breed is a part of our life, that is why our work does not end when we deliver the puppies, we want to know about their growth, see their evolution, we are available to their new families for any inquiry and we are happy watching how they grow up surrounded by love in their new home.

We want to thank all of you for your trust and for keeping us informed of the life our puppies Pyrenean Mastiff and Jack Russell Terrier have, we share some testimonials that you have been sending to us, it is a great satisfaction for us to know that our work is appreciated and that our daily efort is worth it.
Gabasa de Reis D'Aragón, Pyrenean mastiff 9 years
Tirion on a 9km walk around the mountains this morning. Not bad for 9 years old. Still enjoying her walks.

Gil and Gerrick P.
Testimonials of the families of our puppies Pyrenean Mastiff
We wanted to send you a note and let you know how much we love Henry. He is an amazing dog and has been a wonderful addition to our family. He is so smart, kind to the animals and protective of them. He works all the time to keep predators away and the chickens, goats, sheep and even cats safe.  He’s also just gorgeous.

Dan Hannah P.
Testimonials of the families of our puppies Pyrenean Mastiff
Llego a casa y me encuentro esta estampa.....

Diego D. L.
Testimonials of the families of our puppies Pyrenean Mastiff
et c'est du naturel!!!
elle est tres bonne maman!!!

Sandrine M.
Testimonials of the families of our puppies Pyrenean Mastiff
Je crois qu'il a adopté sa nouvelle maison Il est propre il fait ses besoins dehors Il s'entend très bien avec mes autres chiens A bientôt

Marc C.
Testimonials of the families of our puppies Pyrenean Mastiff
Je remercie l'élevage de Reis D'Aragón pour m'avoir confié ce magnifique chien qui cumule son deuxième titre de champion ! Cet éleveur est subliminale ! L'élevage "du Vanil des Artses " est donc  fier de vous présenter son 39ème titre de champions ...

Sylvie R.
Testimonials of the families of our puppies Pyrenean Mastiff
Ne faites pas de bruit ,  ma petite sœur fait sa sieste  !
Je veille sur elle et je la garde !

Didier M.
Testimonials of the families of our puppies Jack Russell Terrier
2 meses justos y como se defiende del padre. Gracias Santiago y compañía, estará como en tu casa, dejo a la madre y esta con el padre. Besos

Antonio P. R.
Testimonials of the families of our puppies Pyrenean Mastiff
Hola Santiago y Ana,
We have arrived home safely. Ibort was very good in the car during his long journey but very hungry.
Thank you very much for my beautiful dog.

Patrick S.
Testimonials of the families of our puppies Pyrenean Mastiff
Para nosotros es el perro más guapo del mundo! Muchas gracias por cuidarnoslo en sus inicios. Un beso a los dos.

Laura E. M.

Testimonials of the families of our puppies Pyrenean Mastiff
Testimonials of the families of our puppies Pyrenean Mastiff
Estamos muy contentos, Frula (nosotros la llamamos Jazz) está preciosa, es encantadora, con mucho carácter pero muy buena. Se lleva muy bien con cualquier perro, le encantan los niños y cuanto más pequeños más devoción. El viernes pasado la llevamos al Hospital Veterinario Molins de Rei (Bcn) para presentarla a nuestros amigos veterinarios y darle la vacuna que tenía pendiente, también estuvo con un etólogo del mismo centro, todo bien, estuvimos hablando de su comportamiento y según ellos, todo dentro de la normalidad. Ya podemos pasear con la cadena sin problemas. Bueno, os iremos informando con toda la frecuencia que nos sea posible.

Xose O.

Testimonials of the families of our puppies Pyrenean Mastiff
Os envio las primeras fotos de "Leo" (Enate) en su nueva casa. Al menos hemos podido hacer alguna en el exterior, cuando venga el buen tiempo prometo enviar mas.
Supongo que le gustaba dormir siempre en sitios cubiertos, porque aqui se ha hecho con en sitio bajo la mesa del garaje, jajajaja, a ver quien le quita el sitio.
Se que suena pesado, pero Muchas muchas gracias, la alegria que da en casa no se paga con dinero.

Elvira A.

Cuanto se quieren !!!!

Elvira A.
Testimonials of the families of our puppies Pyrenean Mastiff
Hi Santiago and Ana,
Just a quick line to let you know Tirion arrived about 2 hours ago, 8.30am our time.
She is fantastic and we love her markings.
She has just had her first meal with us and she ate well. Now she is fast asleep in the garden after having a good look around.
We will write again soon with news and send some photos.
Thank you again for letting us have her - it has made us very happy.

Gill P.

Hello Ana and Santiago
I write to tell you that your beautiful puppy (Tirion) has arrived in Wales and is completely happy and settled with her new owners Gill and Gerrick.
She travelled very well with no sickness and was completely relaxed and comfortable throughout the journey and built an everlasting friendship and bond with me.I have transported many dogs in my business,but this one is very special and holds my heart! I will see her regulary and always have an interest in her life...i congratulate both of you for your dedication and work you do to keep this very special breed alive.
And it has been a big honour to meet you both at your kennels.
My very sincere regards to you both and thank you for your help on friday.

Ian T.
Testimonials of the families of our puppies Pyrenean Mastiff
La vie est belle .............! mais sous ses cotés petit ange, toutes les bétises sont bonnes a faire ..... mais avec ces yeux là je craque !

Didier M.
Testimonials of the families of our puppies Pyrenean Mastiff
She did not seem disturbed by the journey and the people who brought her really liked her.

Anita M. D. B.

Oh no, Boltana still chases anyone who looks Spanish. She really loved you, even now. You must have been great with her.

Anita M. D. B.
Testimonials of the families of our puppies Pyrenean Mastiff
Hola: Embun ha pasado la noche de maravilla, no le hemos cambiado el mombre y la niña está encantada con el, está precioso. Os enviaremos alguna foto para que veais la evolución. Un saludo

Beatriz S. P.

Hola: Os envio una foto de hoy de Bongo, es un poco difícil sacarlo quieto, se porta de maravilla y es muy obediente y cariñoso. Estamos encantados con el y llama la atención allí por donde va.

Beatriz S. P.
Testimonials of the families of our puppies Pyrenean Mastiff
Quant à HATOS, nous sommes toujours aussi ravis de vous avoir fait confiance.
Il a maintenant bientôt 5 mois. il mesure environ 60cm de haut et à 4 mois il pesait déjà 25kgs soit 11kgs de plus dans le mois.
C'est un chien joueur mais qui sait aussi être calme et surtout gentil et affectueux.
Quand nous reviendrons, nous en ferons des photos que nous vous enverrons, vous verrez que son poils se "mouchète" et les tâches noires deviennent plus marron.
Sa tête aussi change et est vraiment très belle.
il fait l'admiration des gens que nous rencontrons lorsque nous le promenons dans le village.

Odile T.
Testimonials of the families of our puppies Pyrenean Mastiff
And the most Gentle dog I’ve ever met

Ruth V. D. K.
Testimonials of the families of our puppies Pyrenean Mastiff
We do love Ben so much. He is such a joy. Can't immagine a sweeter dog!!!! He is so gentle and sweet. He never destroys anything and he is very playfull with his squeezing toys. He loves the noise. We somethimes get mad of it

Jannie D. H.

We are very happy with Ben. He is such a joy. Unfortynatly it is almost impossible to make a picture of him, wen he is running through the house, playing with his squeeze toy. Too funny!!

Jannie D. H.
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Santiago and Ana
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